So here are some picks of a problem me and mike did a few months back we call The Fat Girlscout. I first started trying this line a few seasons back, it seemed impossible as I could not even hang on the crux holds. So a few seasons went by and one fall day something inside of me just clicked. I saw a group of guys strolling down the street, however they appeared to all be sporting their little sisters jeans. I thought about great leaders like Jon Wayne, Lt. Wharf, and Optimus Prime and a very sad thought entered the front of my mind. I was happy that these people were all dead, not born yet, or killed by Megatron while being distracted by a fellow autobot. At least that didn't have to see this shit. I knew there was unbalance in the force, and two solutions became apparent: 1) I could purchase outrageously large jeans and pray the overcompensation would bring us all back to zero or 2) I could go climbing and stop judging people just because fell more comfortable in children's clothing. I almost chose option one and then I recalled how large jeans cast a dark shadow over the 90's. Option 2 was my only chance. I approached the line and thought "Sid Vicious died young for a reason, years of poor leg circulation had driven him mad.".

First move blah blah blah lock-off blah shitty sloper dang.

What would milliseconds later become an ocular K-9 dab.

I was so surprised when I ripped my shirt off going to the next sloper,calm down ladies it was organic could have happened to anyone.

Notice the left hand, this is an old KGB technique I learned in the motherland called "fishhooking".
Hope you all enjoyed, and as usual if you have any questions just keep them to yourself. EDIT: This line is actually called Battle of the Buldge.